Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Create A GOOGLE+ Page For Your Website or Blog

Creating a GOOGLE+ page is very easy .You have to follow some simple steps. Firslty you need to have a Google+ account or Gmail account , Google normally create it when you uses any of its services.Then go to create a page in options or follow the link  http://plus.google.com/pages/create .
  • Choose your category like Business,Product or another as you see below .

  • Like for a blog or website you choose Product/Brand.
  • Select a category below it - WEBSITE. 
  • Click on NEXT.

  • Then you will have a page ,where you need to enter the name of the page you want to create and list your websites URl.
  • Select the content category of your page.
  • Check the  I Agree to the terms box and hit CONTINUE

  • Upload your page appropriate images , email etc as you want .

  • You are done. This is your new page.

Enjoy with your new page . Share content on it .

Now you can also add a Google+ followers widget to your blog .
  1. Click on LAYOUT.
  2. Click on add widget.
  3. Select Google+ followers.
You are done with . Enjoy your new page and widget .
ask for any queries you have.